Online Membership Application

Fields marked * are required.

Section 1: Personal Details

Address Line 1*
Address Line 2
Post Code*
Home Phone
Work Phone
Mobile Phone
Email Address*
Date of Birth* [dd-mm-yyyy]
(Required for the SGU Centralised Database of Handicaps)

Section 2: If you know anyone within the club to act as proposer and seconder, please enter their details below

Proposer Name
Seconder Name

Section 3: If you are currently, or have previously been, a member of another club, enter the details below:

Club Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Post Code
Exact Playing Handicap
SGU CDH Number
Braids United Golf Club Privacy Statement

When you complete an application form to join the club certain personal information will be collected (for example: your name and address, email address, telephone number, golf handicap, type of membership sought). You can be assured this data will only be used in accordance with the club's privacy policy. We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and we will never release your personal data to a third party without your express consent. In addition, when you cease to be a member of the club your personal details will be removed from the club database.